WPS presents The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical
Willows Preparatory School (WPS) 12280 Redmond - Woodinville Road Northeast, Redmond, WA, United StatesWelcome to the Willows Preparatory School production of " The Lightning Thief"!
Welcome to the Willows Preparatory School production of " The Lightning Thief"!
西雅图话剧社精心打造,倾情演绎曹禺先生经典著作——大型话剧《北京人》。《北京人》诞生在1941年的四川江安,全民抗战期间。曹禺先生在谈到为什么要创作这部作品时说,“当时我有一种愿望,人应当像人一样地活着,…… 必须在黑暗中找出一条路子来。” 1941年10月,《北京人》在重庆抗建堂剧场上演。 该剧不追求曲折离奇的故事情节,而是以一个典型的没落士大夫家庭——曾家的衰落为矛盾冲突和戏剧背景,折射出中国几代人的命运。随着百年前老北京生活场景展现,没有人物间激烈的冲突,而是挖掘人物内心世界的尖锐冲突,精神上的苦闷和对前途的希望。 “风暴中有静静的草舍,雷电中有安静的美好的心,它似高山岩石,似野天信鸟,它忠诚,却忘记人间如何丑恶。黑店是人间,是人住了一生的地方,平和静穆是一切事物,但事物的内中却疾风暴雨。”这是曹禺先生在《黑店》中的一段说明词,用来诠释《北京人》很贴切。 曾家这个书香门第,“爱”和“遵从人的天性”最为缺失,是不敢望及的奢侈品。曾文清和江泰的无能,是如此的“触目惊心”,他们虽然无用,但文清的淳厚和富于才情,江泰的爽直和富于热情,也是这个文化孕育的。家族把希望寄托在新的一代,而新一代的青少年曾霆,俯首复制着父辈的命运,归宿又能在何处?是什么塑造出卑微的人格? 到剧本发表四十二年后的1982年,曹禺先生首次公开承认:“愫方是《北京人》的主要人物,我是用了全副的力量,也可以说是用我的心灵塑造成的”。 愫方的诗意和魅力在于她的憧憬与出走,来自于对自己生命意义的体认。在各种摧残、挤压中依然最坚定地保持着自己的人格尊严,而憧憬着光明,认清现实为自己而出走。 曾是江安国立剧专学生的方琯德回忆说:“那时候…曹禺也不过30岁,…他感到时代的苦闷,也憧憬着时代的未来,我记得江安的夜晚没有电灯,桌上点着一盏煤油灯,铺满了稿纸,窗外是梧桐秋雨。曹禺以最真挚的心情叙说着剧中愫方的善良,他回忆着充满生命力的古代人类向自然的斗争,对当时的现实斗争充满了希望。”经历了三年的新冠疫情肆虐全球之后,期待杨潞导演带领西雅图话剧社赋予经典话剧《北京人》新的生命,在都市的明暗悲欢中,由舞台延伸岀时空交错,以东方的色彩和音效演绎新与旧,死亡与新生,人类对未来的追求,对光明的理想与追求。(谢绝4岁以下婴幼儿。儿童凭票入场。)
Welcome to the Willows Preparatory School production of " The Lightning Thief"!
Join the Vision House Luncheon to learn how you can help end family homelessness! Come hear from special guest, Bob Goff, the author of "Love Does" and "Everybody, Always"! There is no cost to attend but an ask for a financial gift will be made during the event.
AVI NUSSBAUM SEATTLEאבי נוסבאום סטנדאפזה המקום שבו אני אמור לכתוב משהו על המופע שלי, אבל זה בעייתי-כי אם אני אכתוב שהמופע שלי מדבר על זוגיות, ילדים, דאגות והחיים עצמם- אתם תחשבו שהוא מופע רגיל כזה, כי כולם מדברים על הנושאים האלה.אבל המופע שלי הוא ממש לא מופע רגיל. מה ההבדל? את זה אתם תצטרכו לבוא ולגלות בעצמכם.עכשיו אתם בטח אומרים: ״אה, זה סתם טריק כדי שנבוא למופע״ –יודעים מה? אולי, אבל גם כדי לדעת אם זה טריק אתם תצטרכו לבוא לגלות בעצמכם.אז פשוט תבואו למופע, הוא ממש מיוחד, ואני אובייקטיבי. וחוץ מזה הוא מאוד מצחיק. מבטיח.מופע לבני 14 פלוס
Meydenbauer Theater´s stage will be filled up again with ruffles, polkadots, fringe, and colors in this vibrant flamenco festival. Dancers from all ages will jump on stage to perform some of the most iconic flamenco songs. Thank you to the support of City of Bellevue and their Arts Commission, this event is now free to Children and Teens! GRACIAS BELLEVUE
Meydenbauer Theater´s stage will be filled up again with ruffles, polka dots, fringe, and colors in this vibrant flamenco festival.Meydenbauer Theater´s stage will be filled up again with ruffles, polkadots, fringe, and colors in this vibrant flamenco festival.Dancers from all ages will jump on stage to perform some of the most iconic flamenco songs.
Welcome to the Willows Preparatory School production of " The Lightning Thief"!
An eclectic fusion of classical, jazz, and everyone's favorite meal, brunch. Produced by Sustain Music Project and Damoori Kitchen.Get ready for a musical and culinary journey like no other! Join us for a four-course brunch featuring the lively sounds of flute and jazz piano trio. Our special guest, Damoori Kitchen, renowned for its homestyle Lebanese cuisine, will delight you with dishes made from authentic and fresh ingredients – family recipes that have been passed down through generations. The fusion of classical and jazz music will be playful and fun, perfectly complementing the delicious food. It’s a feast for the senses that [...]
Welcome to the Willows Preparatory School production of " The Lightning Thief"!
A delightful classical concert featuring works by French and American women of the 19th and 20th centuries!Emily Herdeman Kelly enjoys a diverse career as a violinist and music educator. An experienced orchestral musician, Ms. Kelly has performed with the Northwest Sinfonietta, Oregon Symphony, Houston Symphony, Austin Symphony, Wisconsin Chamber Orchestra, Houston Grand Opera, Houston Ballet, River Oaks Chamber Orchestra, San Antonio Symphony, and the New World Symphony. She has participated in professional and fellowship summer festivals including the Britt Festival Orchestra (OR), Colorado Music Festival Orchestra (CO), Tanglewood Music Center (MA), Round Top Festival Institute (TX), and the Beijing International Music [...]
This candlelit concert is a joyous genre blend of neo-classical piano, new age, Celtic, progressive rock, orchestral, world music, and Music Inspired by Middle Earth. With over 100 million Spotify streams, 5 Grammy® nominations, 60+ albums, numerous film scores, game score compositions such as World of Warcraft, and unforgettable themes for NBC such as The Kentucky Derby, US Women's Figure Skating, and Premier League soccer, David’s music holds something for everyone, taking concertgoers on a musical journey from first note to last. Joined on stage by virtuoso musicians on violin, flute, cello, and percussion, David has plenty of surprises in store. [...]