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What you eat affects how you think, and this lecture by Dr. John Medina, detailing research on the Mediterranean diet, describes the powerful effect of diet on brain function.

The notion that food could permanently alter the way we think is a sentence no scientist could have written 20 years ago. But researchers can do so today. Investigations of the so-called “Mediterranean Diets” reveal the extraordinary ability these foods have to boost cognitive function at any age – and in as little as ten days. This talk describes the relationship between diet and the brain, including newly described biological mechanisms behind the findings.

Dr. John Medina is a leading developmental molecular biologist with a passion for understanding the intricacies of human brain development and the genetics of psychiatric disorders. With decades of experience as a private research consultant for the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, legal and architecture industries, Dr. Medina has established himself as an expert in mental health research and is driven by a desire to better understand the brain and how any number of factors can affect its development. He is author of the Brain Rules series.

1 CE Available for Nurses, Social Workers, Case Managers, and more.

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